אור מנחם_מיצוי זכויות
What We Do >

Exercise Your Rights

אור מנחם_מיצוי זכויות

Aside from the mental hardships of dealing with a sick child, there are additional difficulties in dealing with the bureaucratic and legal sides of the illness. Unfortunately, as a result of parents being so dedicated to help their child fight the disease, these aspects often remain unattended, and many families are left not fully exercising their legal rights.


In order to address this specific difficulty, Or Menachem has established a fleet of legal volunteers, happy to inform, explain, elaborate and fill the relevant forms on behalf of the families, ensuring they exhaust every one of their legal rights. Our purpose is to ensure these families receive what they deserve, to help them through this rough time, and focus all of their energy on their children, and not on bureaucracy.


What We Do